Scottish National Jazz Orchestra: Peter & the Wolf by Serge Prokofieff
(On general release from 25th January 2019 on Spartacus Records) Leading Scots actor Tam Dean Burn joins the SNJO to create a wildly vividContinue Reading
(On general release from 25th January 2019 on Spartacus Records) Leading Scots actor Tam Dean Burn joins the SNJO to create a wildly vividContinue Reading
As a complete newcomer among a jazz lovers audience at the Usher Hall on Thursday the 6th of December 2018,Continue Reading
“Anyone remember 1927?” asked a tongue-in-cheek Tommy Smith before gliding into the second tune of the evening, which was releasedContinue Reading
Edinburgh Jazz & Blues Festival is one of the top ten Jazz Festivals in Europe, with over 36,000 sales andContinue Reading
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